For those engaged in the car loan industry, risk control is a key focus. The easier people enjoy convenient and high-quality services, the more they have to bear certain risks for such services. The most common practice for car loan companies to minimize this risk is to install SOS tracker on customers' cars. But there will be a situation where some customers have policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. If you install GPS, I will make it not work. Besides dismantling it directly, some people will try to block GPS. How can we break this?

After being blocked, the SOS tracker cannot receive signals and cannot update its latest location, resulting in delays or errors in the background positioning information. This is a major hidden danger for the staff of car loan companies. If the positioning information is vague, they cannot timely understand the vehicle status, which greatly increases the later vehicle management work. Long term "cat and mouse" will consume a lot of manpower and material costs.

So far, there is no SOS tracker that is completely unaffected by any interference. But there are also some small ways to avoid such incidents as much as possible.

Firstly, GPS jammers on the market are designed to block signal reception, but they have a drawback of blocking signals from all devices inside the car. That is to say, car owners not only cannot use GPS, but also cannot use communication devices such as mobile phones. How many modern people can live without their phones? Unless the car owner removes the GPS installed on the car, the car loan company's backend will not receive any information at all. And the consequences of complete demolition, as Sword had previously explained to everyone about the dangers of this practice. So as long as the car owner needs their mobile device, they must turn off the blocker, and at the same time, the GPS can receive the signal and work.

Also, many locators now have basic anti shielding functions. Simply put, it is to use "device sleep". When the device is not working, it will automatically "sleep". During this period, GPS will not send or receive any information. It will only automatically work and send vehicle data when the working time set in the background is up. However, blockers and so-called signal detectors are not effective for GPS that is in a "dormant" state because they cannot detect signals at all.

As for those car owners who want to manually search for the location of the locator installed on their cars, I can only say that I admire them. The series of strong magnetic, non installation, and ultra long standby GPS developed by Sword are compact in size and can be installed in almost any car as long as the signal is not easily obstructed. Those who understand some placement techniques can hide the locator well without worrying about it being easily discovered.

sos tracker