With the continuous improvement of the Internet of Things technology, in the field of positioning terminal products, more and more new GPS or Beidou terminal positioning products have entered the public eye, and relevant technology companies that develop and design magnetic tracker for car have also been finding technological breakthroughs. In the past period of time, there have been some interesting problems online. for example: Bluetooth can also be used as a magnetic tracker for car? So let's answer this question briefly today

There is no doubt that with the prosperity of Bluetooth headsets and related Bluetooth products, Bluetooth technology has become a research object. As a leader in wireless communication technology, can it really be used as a magnetic tracker for car? In fact, Bluetooth alone can not support the entire positioning system, but the application of Bluetooth in the field of positioning still exists, it is only as a part of the positioning system, so the user only said half right, then how is Bluetooth technology in the positioning system to play his role? Let's find out!

1. How Bluetooth positioning technology works

Bluetooth positioning is based on RSSI positioning principle. RSSI full name Received Signal Strength Indication translated as signal field strength indication, interested in in-depth research friends can consult the relevant information.

In the industry, we already know that the development of Bluetooth positioning solutions is mainly carried out around two aspects, network side positioning and terminal side positioning, which is based on the different Bluetooth positioning methods of the positioning end.

Bluetooth network positioning system

The Bluetooth network side positioning system is composed of terminals (such as wearable Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth bracelets, etc.), Bluetooth beacon nodes, Bluetooth gateways, wireless LAN and back-end data servers. The specific positioning process is:

1) First lay beacon and Bluetooth gateway in the area.

2) When the terminal enters the coverage area of the beacon signal, the terminal can sense the broadcast signal of the beacon, and then calculate the RSSI value under a beacon through the Bluetooth gateway through the wifi network to the back-end data server, and calculate the specific location of the terminal through the built-in positioning algorithm of the server. The back-end server can send location information to the user over the network.

Bluetooth terminal side positioning system

The terminal side positioning system consists of a terminal device (such as a mobile phone with an embedded SDK package) and a beacon. Its specific positioning principle is

1) Firstly, the Bluetooth Beacon is laid in the area. Generally, at least three Bluetooth beacon beacons need to be laid. The positioning algorithm requires at least three RSSI values to be known in order to accurately calculate positioning.

2) Beacon continuously broadcasts signals and receives data packets to the surrounding area

3) When the terminal device enters the coverage range of beacon signal, its RSSI value under different base stations is measured, and then the specific location is calculated through the built-in positioning algorithm of the mobile phone.

At present, the application of Bluetooth terminal side positioning is very extensive in the field of indoor positioning, terminal side positioning is generally used for indoor positioning navigation, precision position marketing and other user terminals; The network side positioning is mainly used in personnel tracking and positioning, environmental detection, asset positioning and passenger flow analysis.

The advantage of Bluetooth positioning is that the technical process is simple, but the positioning accuracy is closely related to the laying density and transmission power of Bluetooth beacons. In the case of increasingly better urban infrastructure, Bluetooth positioning has certain advantages. In addition, Bluetooth positioning has low power consumption, which is very suitable for users with long standby needs. There are also many ways to achieve low energy consumption, such as deep sleep, no-connection, simple protocols, and so on.

It is worth mentioning that Bluetooth positioning is one of the most commonly used directions of iBeacon technology, based on Bluetooth positioning can achieve commercial needs such as wayfinding, car finding, guidance and other aspects, and the positioning system of finding navigation is also based on iBeacon technology. iBeacon uses Bluetooth low power working mechanism, working in the 2.4GHz free frequency band, the signal transmission distance is generally about 30m, iBeacon positioning accuracy is affected by node density, layout position, transmission frequency, environmental complexity and positioning algorithm and other factors. iBeacon is based on different positioning and wake-up functions, and the application scenarios are different.

As a leader in the field of magnetic tracker for car, Weilian Communication Technology Co., Ltd. has also achieved good results in Bluetooth positioning. With the help of its own technical advantages, Weilian has expanded the scope of use of Bluetooth in the field of magnetic tracker for car. Previously, we designed a number of products in the field of vehicle tracking, elderly/children/pets monitoring and positioning, and this time we also incorporate temperature/humidity detection function into the communication. for those users who have temperature, humidity detection, tracking and alarm needs, we can use their magnetic tracker for car to achieve the purpose.

The first part of the article mainly describes the principle of Bluetooth in the network side positioning and terminal side positioning, and finally simply summarizes the main applications of Bluetooth technology in the positioning function:

Bluetooth positioning can not only provide special services such as navigation for specific scenarios, but also provide data integration services for enterprises. For example, in the physical business and service industry, the data of offline access behavior is collected through iBeacon, and the statistics and analysis of the data are realized, so as to prepare for the follow-up precision marketing and product improvement of enterprises.

2, Bluetooth positioning in the wake up function of the main application:

In the service industry, physical businesses provide information push services to users. Such as shopping mall product information push. In retail, catering and other application scenarios, through the automatic wake-up device function, send advertising, coupons and other marketing information.

But these benefit from the development of the entire Bluetooth technology and the continuous abundance of magnetic tracker for car products, mobile communications said that although there are still many challenges facing Bluetooth positioning technology, these challenges will become the difficulties of the enterprise technology battle, but they believe that the Internet of things will be the future development trend. The demand for Bluetooth positioning will also be applied on a large scale accordingly, and they will certainly be able to produce more magnetic tracker for car products that satisfy customers. See more magnetic tracker for car products for mobile communications.

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